Serving or have served in the U.S. 军事? Here’s how to apply for financial aid.

作为美国人.S. veteran or 军事 personnel (active duty, reserve or guard) or a family member, 在申请经济援助时,你还有其他步骤要做. 那是因为你可能有资格获得联邦和州的财政援助, including grants and 贷款, 以及 退伍军人福利.

Here's all the information you need to apply for grants, 奖学金, 贷款, work-study programs and veteran benefits.


2024 / 2025 FAFSA Is Available!

Updates to the 2024 / 2025 FAFSA!
联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)在2024 / 2025学年有重大变化. These changes include:

expanded eligibility for federal student aid,
a better user experience for the FAFSA form, and
a more streamlined application process.

对于学生和家长来说,通知FAFSA申请有任何额外的变化是很重要的. For 更多的信息 please use the following link to the U.S. Department of Education's site.


Building 3, Room 103


Monday – Friday 8:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.






Student Services Center
3rd floor, Room 310


Monday – Friday 8:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.




MCC federal school code: 002872

MCC TAP school code: 2180


申请经济援助可能会花费一些时间,但绝对值得. 你会有很多机会获得你需要的资金来支付你的教育费用. By following the steps listed below, 你会尽可能快速轻松地完成这个过程.

如果您需要帮助,请随时联系MCC的财务援助办公室,电话:(585)292-2050或 电子邮件我们. 你也可以联系退伍军人服务办公室,电话:(585)292-2030或 电子邮件我们. Feel free to use one of our financial aid computer labs,在那里你可以得到帮助填写你的经济援助申请.

Keep in mind that you should file early, as it can take several weeks to get your applications approved.

(if you don’t already have one) FSA ID -你需要这个唯一的登录来完成一些重要的经济援助相关的任务.

应用 for your FSA ID

The best way to file your Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) 在线. (This is where you’ll need your FSA ID from Step 1.) If you don’t have access to a computer, come to one of our financial aid computer labs在那里,你可以使用MCC的电脑,并得到你需要的所有帮助.

We recommend using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to complete your FAFSA. 这个在线工具从您的联邦纳税申报表中提取信息,并确保您的申请填写准确.

学生最早可以在10月9日提交2022-23年度的FAFSA. 1, 2021, rather than beginning on Jan. 1, 2022. 以下是根据你计划上学的时间提交FAFSA的关键日期摘要:

You Plan to Attend College From: You Will Submit This FAFSA: You Can Submit the FAFSA from: 使用收入 & 税务资料来自:
May 2021 - May 2022 2021-22 October 1, 2020-June 30, 2022 2019
May 2022 - May 2023 2022-23 October 1, 2021-June 30, 2023 2020
May 2023 - May 2024 2023-24 October 1, 2022-June 30, 2024 2021

Watch our overview on the FAFSA for First-Time Filers.
FAFSA First-Time Filers-Overview Video

完成FAFSA后最重要的事情是致电(585)292与退伍军人服务团队预约.2030. 他们可以帮助你完成一些你需要完成的任务,包括申请:

应用ing for your 退伍军人福利 can be a long process. 请尽早到退伍军人服务办公室开始你的文书工作. 这有助于确保在每个学期开始之前完成你的福利处理.

注意: As a VA benefits recipient, 如果你是全日制学生,每学期学习12个或更多学分,你将获得最高金额的津贴和/或津贴. 你也可以以兼职的价格获得退伍军人管理局的教育福利. 虽然你不会得到和全日制学生一样多的钱, you’re not using your benefits up as quickly either.

Are you a New York State resident? Do you plan to attend MCC either full- or part-time? 你可以申请纽约州学费援助计划(TAP)或非全日制学习援助计划(APTS). These two grants are available through the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).

MCC’s TAP code is 2180. If you’re not a New York State resident, skip to Step 5.

全职 - TAP是为满足居住、收入、学业或其他要求的学生提供的助学金. When you complete your FAFSA online, you’ll be given a link on the FAFSA website, so you can complete the NYS Express TAP Application (ETA). If you fill out a paper FAFSA, you’ll be sent your ETA by mail.

请记住,收到正式的TAP通知需要三到八周的时间. 如果您想检查您的TAP申请的状态,请访问 My HESC Account Access 页面.

兼职 -如果你计划参加MCC的兼职和住宿, 收入, academic and other requirements, 你可以通过纽约州非全日制学习援助(APTS)项目申请助学金. 您可以在MCC财务援助办公室或从我们的表格页面下载申请.

  • APTS的截止日期-在申请上注明的截止日期之前,将填妥的申请提交给MCC财务援助办公室:
    • 秋季学期 – usually mid-August
    • 春季学期 – usually mid-January

您将在申请截止日期后大约六到八周收到获奖通知. 得到 更多的信息 在进行了.

What is the New York State 学费 Assistance Program (TAP)?

After your FAFSA is processed, 您将通过电子邮件或邮寄方式收到一份学生援助报告(SAR), 这取决于你提交的是电子申请还是纸质申请.

SAR使用您的FAFSA信息来确定您的估计家庭贡献(EFC)。. 你的EFC是你的家人可以用来帮助你支付大学学费的钱. 世纪挑战集团从你的学习费用中减去你的EFC,从而计算出你的经济需求.

Be sure to review your SAR for accuracy. 你可以做 corrections to the FAFSA. If you received your SAR by mail, make the corrections on your paper SAR, then sign and return it to the address on your SAR.

一旦修正被处理,你将收到一个修正的SAR. Be sure to keep a copy of your SAR for your records.

在你的FAFSA被处理后,MCC将以电子方式收到你的信息. (If you file online, we’ll receive it within one to two weeks. 如果你完成纸质的FAFSA,需要4到8周的时间. Remember, you can always file your FAFSA online at one of our financial aid computer labs.)

如果你的FAFSA有错误或验证问题, MCC财务援助办公室将通过您的MCC电子邮件地址与您联系. 在你的经济援助最终确定并应用到你的账户之前,我们可能需要更多的信息来纠正这些问题. So, please check your MCC email every day.

Verification Process

祝贺你! You’ve completed all the necessary financial aid paperwork. 我们知道这个过程可能很耗时,但绝对值得. 当你收到MCC的助学金通知时, 你符合条件的任何助学金都会自动记入你的学费.

Want to check your aid?

  • 检查你的 FAFSA状态. You will need your FSA ID; if you have forgotten or misplaced it, you can request a new one at the Federal Student 援助 web 页面.
  • 检查你的 龙头地位. You will need your TAP or HESC PIN.
  • 检查你的 世纪挑战集团的应用 and accept any offered financial aid awards. 您将需要您的MCC学生ID号和myMCC用户ID和密码.

For 更多的信息, watch our 金融援助 videos:
Will financial aid pay for all of my expenses?

请记住,不是每个人都有资格获得联邦佩尔和/或TAP资助, 或者有资格获得足够支付教育费用的补助金. 幸运的是,还有许多其他方法可以帮助你资助在世纪挑战的教育: